miércoles, marzo 18, 2009

I Lied. Telefon Tel Aviv.

Cuando algunas cosas que pasan no dejan de herirte y también sabes que volverá a ocurrir,
sólo resta reconocer que así será siempre: es el ciclo de lo que se ama y se pierde.
El precio de sentir, es el mismo del hueco que queda,
el mismo que había sido ocupado por el cariño que se ha ido.

(Sólo escucha la canción las imagenes son lo de menos).

While we drifted away
I missed it, missed it all
Caught up in everything
I meant well, but i didn't know how
Throw all caution to the wind
My friend, my eyes

And its been this way forever
It was sunrise when we started
Now the trees have grown all over
And the winter skies are lonely

There was something you said
I heard but I lied
It's beginning to fade
From my head, from my heart
And I'm back here again
Same thing, Same part

And its been this way forever
It was sunrise when we started
Now the trees have grown all over
And the winter skies are lonely

While we drifted away
I missed it, missed it all
Caught up in everything
I meant well but i didn't know how
Throw all caution to the wind
My friend, my eyes

And its been this way forever
It was sunrise when we started
Now the trees grown all over
And the winter skies are lonely

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